Enchant: Level 35 cloak Cataclysm Enchants!

Cloak of Coordination, prior to 5.1, was unenchantable and unable to be used for transmogrification. 5.1 allows the cloak to be used for transmogrification, but it also had the side effect of letting it takes enchants.

While not BoA, it will provide a gigantic leveling boost for anyone. You can enchant the cloak with any of these enchants, which will very easily make up for potential stat losses, and grants you 625 armor, which will be more than almost any cloak up until level 80.
+50 Intellect
+30 Stamina
+65 Critical StrikeI don't think it needs to be said what potential this has for twinks. At level 39 it has over 10x ​the armor of any other cloak.