Black Market Auction House - All you need to know

The Black Market Auction House (BMAH) is a new feature in the Mists of Pandaria expansion. We already wrote a little bit about this auction house, but I reckon it would be a good idea to gather all the informations in one place.

What is the Black Market Auction House?

At the moment, World of Warcraft players have access to two types of action houses: the faction auction houses and the neutral auction houses. The difference between the old two types and the Black Market Auction House is that instead of players, various NPCs will sell their rare goods.
The BMAH is located within the Veiled Stair area, a northern subregion of the Valley of the Four Winds. A bit to the south-east of the Tavern the Mists you will be able to find Madam Goya, who is the leader of the BMAH.

Who can use the new Auction House?

Basically everyone can bid on the items sold here, but there are a few things you ought to consider:

  • You'll need the MoP expansion.
  • The Veiled Stair is a level 87 area.
  • You need a lot of gold, as the lowest bids start at 10k.
  • The area is not a safe zone, so you can expect a lot of ganking on PvP realms.

How does the BMAH work?

  • There are about 10 items in the auction house at all times. This is how it currently works on the Beta realms at least.
  • There is no buyout option. This means that if you really want an item you will have to win it by bidding on it.
  • The bids start at 10k and can go up to 999k.
    • Mounts bids start at 20k.
    • Companions bids start at 10k.
    • Ggear items start from 10k
    • vanity/misc items start between 10k and 15k
  • The bidding works similar to the other auction houses bids.
  • All auctions last for more than 12 hours.
  • After an items is bought by someone another item is not added to the auction house immediately.
  • The items you might find in BMAH are realm-based.

What can you find in BMAH?

You'll be able to find expensive and rare items in here. Here are a few examples of the bids:

  • Mounts: Ashes of Al'ar, Reins of the Onyxian Drake, Smoldering Egg of Millagazor
  • Companions: Captured Firefly, Giant Sewer Rat, Shimmering Wyrmlin
  • TCG Items: Dragon Kite, X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME, Tabard of Flame
  • Gear: The old Tier 3 pieces, Season 12 items and even heroic PvE gear
  • Recipes: Pattern: Royal Satchel, Plans: Living Steel Breastplate, Plans: Gauntlets of Ancient Steel
Keep in mind that a lot of these items will sell pretty high because they are rare and because is never guaranteed that you'll find them in the BMAH.

Personal conclusion

Considering the prices, this AH is going to be a big gold sink, and I'm pretty sure this is the real intention behind it also. The inflation is pretty high currently and having more means to stop it is always great.

I'm sure that players with a lot of gold in their bags are pretty happy with this new addition, because after a point you can simply had nothing else to do with your gold.

Considering the location of this auction house, it will be pretty interesting to see how the place will look like on a PvP server...

There were some players who were afraid that everyone with gold will be able to gear up quickly from now on, only from buying their items from BMAH. That's not going to be a problem in my opinion, and even Blizzard reassured us in this case.

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