FP Bug for Alliance - Eastern Kingdoms

Hey guys !

I just found a little trick with the quest Further Concerns, one of the very first quests in Elwynn Forest. When you accept this quest, you have the opportunity to get a free ride directly to Guard Thomas by speaking to Marshal Dughan.
How to exploit :
1- Place your Hearthstone anywhere in Eastern Kingdoms (Quel'danas seems to be the only exception for some reasons)2- Speak to Dughan, you now have a little bubble with "I'd like to,etc".3- This bubble is called GossipTitleButtonX, X can vary depending on how much quests you've filled. If you haven't done any it's 4, I suggest trying numbers from 1 to 4 until you find the good one. Create a macro with /click GossipTitleButtonX and get a D/C macro4- Cast your Hearthstone. At the end of the cast (in the last half second) use the click macro and immediately DC. The Hearthstone cast must freeze with less than 0.15 seconds left, or better right at the end (green bar)5- Reconnect, you are on a flying horse and brought back to Elwynn.
However the downsides is that I haven't found a way to get control of this FP (probably because we stay in EK) and it does not work with BG (or anything instanced) or cross-continents. But i'm not an expert with exploiting so maybe someone else could find something to do with this.Something interesting is that everything is "delayed" while you fly. F.x if you cross water you won't get a breathe bar right off but something like 5 minutes later. Same with lava dmg. And when you arrive at Goldshire your horse runs on the spot for almost 3 minutes, and during these 3 min there's no NPC. After that everything is back to normal and you are sent on the regular FP.
I recorded a raw video but as this exploit is not very useful atm I won't post it (unless someone asks for it) but here's some screenshots
Imageshack - fpbug1.pngImageshack - fpbug2.pngImageshack - fpbug3.png

Online Blizzard Authenticator

Online Blizzard Authenticator

Hello, I was searching around on the web today in search for an authenticator emulator for my PC, so I tried an Android Emulator, but in my option, that was way to slow. So I continued searching and found this!


Online Authenticator is an implementation of the Blizzard Battle.Net Authenticator protocol. It allows you to improve the security of your Battle.Net account like the original device.
With Online Authenticator, you will be able to play World of Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo 3 as you did before, but with some meaningful advantages :

  • No device to carry with you !
  • No more forgotten phone or keychain !
  • Play from every where : at your friend's house, vacation, internet cafe !
  • The service is totally free and always will be !
So far it's working great for me and I wrote a small program that will open the Web page with a simple click in your default browser, makes it one step shorter. 

Download the program HERE!

Farm Goblin Reputation AFK

So after getting the Bloodsail Admiral title I wanted to fix the reputation with the Goblins as reputation with them gets totally destroyed and I wanted to be able to use the Neutral AH again and buy some Noggenfogger Elixirs too...

Then I found out that I had to buy like thousands of cloths for some repeatable quests. Screw that.

AFK farmed my title killing Shakes O'Breen so I thought I could find a farmable NPC to get Goblin rep back.

So I found a NPC that is on a fast respawn rate and we will use the terrain to hide us, giving us that extra protection.

Head to Stranglethorn Valley, to this point.

Get on top of this palm with your flying mount.


Now open up _Keyspam or download from here Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! and edit the settings, these are mine:

That will spam "R" key every 15 seconds, and this is the macro I use:

/target "Good-Boy" Bruce
/cast throw
/cast vanish

As you can see Im using a rogue for this but any class should be able to accomplish this with ranged attacks, ask in this thread and I'll help you with the macro you need.

I recommend _KeySpam because it spams World of Warcraft window only, so you can use your computer to do other stuff.


GearWatcher - A tool to check your mates/enemys

The GearWatcher!
It lets you armory your enemys/mates and present you useful informations.

I packed the exe and dlls with winrar, ill upload the .rar + virustotal from the rar and the exe
GearWatcher.rar - Jottis Malwarescanner
GearWatcher.exe - Jottis Malwarescanner

GearWatcher! v1


GearWatcher! v1.1
Questions and suggestion are welcome.
If anyone can explain the Virustotal report with the rar it would be great too.

Only Requirements should be
.net Framework 4.0
Running wow.

Short Instruction:

Join BG
Press Read
All Enemy Players are readout out of the ram.
(This does not work if they are not in your ram, like SotA or Alterac)
(Stealthed units are not in the ram too)
But you can use it shortly before engaging a base to see gear from ppl aroung you/enemys at the base.

You can select an enemy/mate and click Defects to get gear defects they have, or just klick copy to copy the armory link.

To receive an first impression its colored,
lightblue means less then 3000 Resil,
green means between 3001 and 4000 Resil,
orange means between 4000 and 5000 resilence
and red means above 5000 Resil.

The Programm obviously dosent display the right values all the time, that is because it reads out the armory page.
At the moment only EU/US.
Not sure about KR because of character set, cant test it cause I have no kr wow.